Sunday, February 22, 2009

Today's Gospel: The Paralytic Man

In today's gospel reading (Mark 2:1-12), we hear the account in which four men open a hole in the roof of a home and lower a paralytic man to where Jesus is staying. Jesus, moved by their faith, tells the paralytic that his sins are forgiven.  Some scribes question how anyone except God can forgive sins. Jesus, knowing what is on their minds, poses them the question: which is easier, to say 'your sins are forgiven' or to say, 'rise, pick up your mat and walk'?  

So that the scribes would know his authority, he tells the paralytic: "I say to you, rise, pick up your mat, and go home." The paralytic rises in the sight of everyone, picks up his mat, and goes on his way, astonishing everyone.  They say: "We have never seen anything like this."

Is there anything paralyzing you in your life today that you need to bring to Christ? Who are your friends and family who are willing to poke a hole in the roof for you? Are you willing to do the same? Do you have faith in Christ's healing and freeing power? Are there any sins you have that need reconciling, sins that are stifling your life? 

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